
Your Shopping Diet

It seems that savings accounts and fashion just do not go together. Anyone who takes an interest in style, Kooba Handbags follows designer trends, and puts time into his or her daily outfits knows it is nearly impossible to walk into a store, any store, and leave empty-handed. Balenciaga Handbags Those who dont know, not buy those chunky wedge ankle booties? I mean, yout you just not eat today? I mean, yout you just put the fork down and leave?"

In fact, a diet is the perfect example for how we can shop smart. When we want to lose weight and get healthy, we dont just stop eating. We eat better. We eat more moderate portions, we take in less calories. If yout just frolic from store to store on a buying spree.

1. Take inventory of your pre-existing wardrobe. I know, it sounds really boring, but there are some perks. As in, you what a waste!

2. Look to designers for inspiration, not purchases. It the runway shows, the Vogue editorials, their own websites – for inspiration. Learn to be able to pull trend ideas from these high end lines. I promise you, if a Gucci Aviatrix high end designer puts out a great piece, lower priced brands will be producing very similar pieces in no time. You just have to translate the designer look. For example, Balenciaga so, still trendy, but not poverty-stricken after the purchase.

Have fun browsing your favorite luxury brands, and then you can challenge yourself by finding those looks at more affordable stores. See how your spending goes for a few months. If you you get the idea.

3. Thomas Wylde Make a list of the things you want each season. Ire going to have to cross something off the list. The list also helps remind you of the low prices you can find the items for. So, now that I know I can find the trench coat for $50.00, if I see it somewhere for $75.00, Im not going to buy it because I know I can do better.

4. This onet find it anywhere else first. I was doing a lot of shopping on a Certain Site, where the dresses were in the $80.00 to $150.00 range. Imagine my surprise when I stumbled across a site selling the same exact dresses – same brand, everything – for less than half the prices. Its so important to research your buys.

As far as sales, the way to really save is join some private/sample sale websites. The best are ShopItToMe.com, GiltGroupe.com, RueLaLa.com, Ideeli.com, and HauteLook.com. On these sites, you don new – items in a department store because of the price tag. The very next week, ShopItToMe sent me my twice-weekly report of all my favorite designer items on sale that day, and there were the items that were sitting in the department store for full price – and on this site, they were half off. A word of caution, dont join too many of these sites, or else you will have things to spend on daily!

5. Shop vintage. Especially now, vintage is so hot. Maybe its (usually) cheaper. You will get one of a kind, quality, conversation-starting pieces for lower than those designer items. Check your local consignment shops, and for online shopping, look to eBay and Etsy.

And, of course, just be sensible. Make sure you shop your own style. Really think before you buy. Donll be able to have an amazing wardrobe and still make rent.

